How to Stop a Sink Without a Stopper – Ultimate Guide

Raise your hand if you’ve ever fumbled to stop a sink without a stopper, spiraling into a frantic battle against an ever-flowing stream of water. Perfectly ordinary sinks suddenly turn into relentless fountains, leaving us wondering if Poseidon himself is out to get us. But fear not, fellow bathroom adventurers! This article will equip you with an arsenal of ingenious techniques to quell the watery rebellion in your washbasin.

How To Remove a Sink Stopper (10 Easy Steps)

The Stopper-less Sink Predicament

Before embarking on our sink-taming quest, let’s delve into the root of the problem: why don’t all sinks have stoppers? It’s not just a cruel oversight but rather a deliberate design choice. Stoppers, you see, can harbor bacteria and mold, leading to unpleasant odors and unsanitary conditions. In commercial settings like hospitals and restaurants, where hygiene is paramount, stoppers are often deemed a hindrance to cleanliness.

Five Ways to Tame the Unstoppable Sink

Now that we have a grasp of why some sinks remain stopper-less, let’s turn to the crucial task of controlling the relentless flow of water. Brace yourself for five foolproof methods:

  1. The Drain Cover: Pop one of these disposable or reusable covers over the drain, and voila! It’s like having a temporary stopper that keeps the water in check.
  2. The Plunger: This trusty tool, typically used to unclog toilets, can work wonders in a sink too. Simply cover the drain with the plunger and push and pull to create suction, halting the water flow.
  3. The Wet Washcloth: Fold a wet washcloth into a small square and press it firmly over the drain. The cloth will effectively block the water while allowing it to slowly seep through.
  4. The Potato Plug: If you’re short on other stopper substitutes, reach for a humble potato. Slice off a round section, peel it, and wedge it into the drain. The potato’s starchiness will help form a seal, preventing water from escaping.
  5. li>Duct Tape: As a temporary fix, you can wrap a layer of duct tape over the drain. Press down firmly to create an airtight seal that will effectively stop the water flow.

Beyond the Quick Fixes: Long-Term Solutions

While the aforementioned methods offer quick and convenient solutions, there are more permanent fixes available if you’re prone to frequent stopper-less sink problems:

  • Install a Pop-Up Stopper: These nifty stoppers remain hidden until needed, rising to the occasion with a simple push. They’re both practical and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Cover the Drain with a Grill: A drain grill prevents debris from clogging the drain while doubling as a makeshift stopper. Choose a grill with small holes to ensure no water leaks through.

How to Remove a Sink Stopper - The Home Depot

Frequently Asked Questions

To address some common queries on the stopperless sink conundrum:

  1. Q: Is it dangerous to leave the water running in a sink without a stopper?
    A: While not an immediate hazard, it’s not recommended to leave the water running unchecked. It can lead to water waste and potential damage to the sink or surrounding area.
  2. Q: Can I use a universal stopper in a sink without a stopper?
    A: Yes, universal stoppers are designed to fit most sink drains. However, it’s essential to check the measurements to ensure a snug fit.

How To Stop A Sink Without A Stopper


Mastering the art of stopping a sink without a stopper empowers you to conquer bathroom mishaps with confidence. From quick fixes like drain covers to permanent solutions like pop-up stoppers, there’s an arsenal of methods to keep your sink under control. So, the next time you find yourself battling a runaway faucet, remember these techniques and reclaim your bathroom tranquility.

Have you ever faced a stopperless sink dilemma? What creative solutions did you come up with? Share your experiences in the comments below!